Welcome to the new and updated SBSA website.
We are working to improve the website by updating and modernizing it. This will significantly speed up the responsiveness of the website. We believe this will lead to a better experience for all users and will lead to better experience overall when signing up or looking for specific information. It will also make it easier for us to update, maintain and keep the information current. We hope you will like the new look and feel we have created.
In addition to the new and updated website we will be moving from our current SBSA Telegram group chat to a new one. It will have the same name as the current group after we move over. The old group will remain for historical purposes but we will remove the ability to post. The reason for these changes is due to losing the “owner” of the group long ago. This is a Telegram policy that is the owner does not log into Telegram for 6 months they are removed as owner of the group. This has created an issue where the group has one admin with no ability to add more admins. This is problematic for many reasons including the ability to use new features that are available from Telegram in the group chat. All current members will be sent a link via email to the new Telegram SBSA group. If you are in the current group but not a member of the SBSA you can reach out to an BOD member and asked to be added. The current group grew to over 1000+ individuals but we have no idea if those are all valid pilots or associated with valid pilots. We are not trying to block anyone from joining but we are looking to avoid spammers or others bad elements from using it the wrong way. If you sign up for SBSA you will automatically be emailed a link to join the new SBSA Telegram group. We will have an overlap for several weeks for the old group and new group. We encourage everyone to use the new group going forward.
Thanks from your SBSA BOD.